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Truffle species

White truffle ( Tuber magnatum )

White truffle has extraordinary feature puting him on first place of all other truffles, rated so highly and most expensive mushroom on world. The biggest found speciment was 1,31 kg. The average size of fruting body is 20gr. although there are larger speciments. Mostly they are irregular round shape with smaller or biger knots which depends of ground type and plant type which makes simbiotic life with truffle. Surface is smooth, without wartlike protuberance yellowish-whitish or greenish colour. On cross section flash is mostly in diferent nuance of pinkish colour with twist whitish veins. His smell is intensive and stronger of other truffles smells. Colour and smell are determinated by simbiotic plant. In our area we can find him in valley forests. On almost all ground types white truffle has found. One of most important prerequisite for truffle growth is chemistry composition and his pH value. In our conditions best ground is lite sour or neutral. White truffle is usually in association with oak and poplar. Maturing fruting bodyes begin from middle of Septembar to end of December. During mild winter maturing is even by middle of January.

Black autumn truffle ( Tuber macrosporum )

Black autumn truffle is most respected mushroom. His smell is very similar with white truffle smell, and they have a lot’s of common feature. Shape of fruting body is round or irregular round with genttle knots. Surface is covered with small warts rustish-black colour. His cross section is dark brown colour, with irregular twisted thin white tendon. He growing on same or similar residence like white truffle, but he can get on higher height above sea level. About physical-chemistry composition of ground, he is some tolerant, so that is reason of higher dissemination. He get association with oak and poplar. His mature is from September to end of January.

Summer truffle ( Tuber aestivum )

This kind of black truffle mature in summer. Shape of fruting body is irregular round whit genttle knots. Outher shell is dark-brown or black whit obese warts. On cross section he is light brown colour with large white tendon. Smell is pleasure and reminds on mushroom’s smell average quality. He falls into most disseminated kind of truffles. We can find him in valley forest, across hilly fields even in beech area. Above all, he gets in association with all types of oak, hornbeam, hazel tree, poplar, linden tree. Fruting body matures during summer till late autumn.

Winter truffle ( Tuber brumale )

This kind of truffle is well known like winther truffle because his fruting body maturing last of begining November till the midlle of March. Outher shell is dark brown or black, whit small knots on surface. Cross section is dark grey with wide white tendons. Smell is strong and pleasant. He spreads from valley forest to area where beech begin. Live’s in association with oak, poplar, hornbeam, lindon tree.

Truffle with hole ( Tuber mesentericum )

It’s consum kind of truffle but not rated high, because it’s has a specific chemistry smell. Specific for this kind is a hole on down side. Round or irregular round shape. Outher shell is black with small knots. Cross section is black-gray colour with white tendons. It isn’t diseminate widly at Serbia, but in Europe is better situation. We can find him on higher height-above sea level, on carbonate ground. Get’s in mycorrhiza with oak, hornbeam, beech. Maturing is from Septembar till January.